Marketing Your Company Giving You A Headache?

Is Content Marketing & Social Media Management Stressing You Out?

We've Got The Solution

Find yourself frustrated, sitting and staring at a blank screen or notebook when it comes to producing content to market your business?

Suffer no more.

Content Marketing sits at the centre of your B2B Marketing wheelhouse.

Unlike B2C eCommerce, where there's usually a constant flow of new products coming in to feature (think clothing, technology, etc.), B2B Marketing is fueled not by fresh new products, but by Content Marketing.

BUT – how do you produce enough content to make a difference, and what kind of content should you be producing.

Today's article will be on the HOW, we'll get to the what in another piece.

HOW you produce enough content to move the needle, is having a Content Production Pipeline.

Here's what that looks like..


Any Good Content Production Starts With Research, But How Do You Make That Easy For Yourself?

You set up systems to do it for you.

Instead of spending hours trawling the internet, set up intelligent systems to do the information gathering for you.

Any Content Production Requires Writing And Repurposing, But How Do You Remove The Cognitive Drain From That?

You set up systems that do the heavy lifting for you.

Any Content Production Requires Distribution, But How Do You Make That Easy?

You set up systems to handle distribution and automate what you can.

Here's How We Set Up Our Content Pipeline, And What We Set Up For Clients:

  1. 1. Set Up Content Alert Systems

    That means using RSS feeds, Google Alerts, F5Bot, LinkedIn SalesNav, Quora Notifications etc. to handle all your information gathering.

    You'll set up RSS feeds for key competitor accounts, lookalike audience accounts, content accounts, and have it all sent to your inbox.

    Next, you'll set up inbox rules to send all the emails to a folder called "content alerts" to keep your inbox clean.

  2. 2. Do Your Research

    Now all your content is coming to the one place, it's time to make the most of this neat little system you've set up, and do your research.

    Start by skimming through the content alerts until something catches your eye, a topic that you can work from to create your own content.

    One of the hardest parts of content production is coming up with new ideas. Those new ideas are rarely just going to come to you out of nowhere, you need to have a content alert system set up to spur the writer within you.

    That's the biggest mistake we see many people make when they set out to start writing. They think that the writing process is just sitting there and banging your head against a wall until something comes to you.


    You need the right systems in place to give you every chance of success.

  3. 3. Create Your Content

    Often, you'll come across some content that strikes a creative nerve within you.

    What you then need to do is add your own twist to that piece of content.

    Let's say for this example that it's a blog.


    What you DON"T want to do is just copy this piece.

    You need to add your own twist, your own personality to it.

    Get the draft down on paper right away.

  4. 4. Further Research

    Now you've got your draft down on paper, think about further research you can do to fill out the piece, add in your own angles, and if possible, hard data to back up any claims.

  5. 5. Repurpose Your New Content

    For the sake of this example we'll say you've produced a blog.

    Now what you need to do is go and repurpose that content for other platforms.

    Think Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Quora, Instagram, Podcasts, etc.

    This is where a tool like might come in handy. This tool might not give you ready to post content right away, but it definitely will give you enough raw content to turn into something postable.

    We sit there with open on one monitor, and our Social Media Management apps on the other screen, and copy & paste across sentences from different pieces, creating our content from there.

    Content creation can be not only time consuming, but also a brain drain.

    We use tools like not only to save time, but also to reduce the cognitive effort required to produce our content. In fact this is the main advantage.

    During your work day, it's not so much that you only have 8 hours in the day, it's that you only have 100 units of brainpower to use up until you start hitting the wall.

    Make every unit of brainpower count to get the most out of your day.

    If you sign up for through our link below, and upgrade to a paid account within 4 days, you'll get 40% off your first year.

    Sign Up For Via Our Affiliate Link

  6. 6. Post Your New Content

    Now you've done all the hard work, it's time for distribution.

    We use tools like Social Pilot and Zlappo for distribution.

    Social Pilot allows for cross posting across platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, & Instagram.

    What it doesn't allow is the creation of Twitter threads.

    Zlappo is a Twitter specific platform that allows not only for the creation of Twitter threads, but also automations for Retweeting, Evergreen Tweets, Auto Plug, and more.

    If it's a short single tweet, we'll send it through Social Pilot and then head into Zlappo to turn on the retweet and evergreen automations once it's posted.

    If it's a longer piece of content, we'll post to Facebook, LinkedIn, but NOT Twitter via Social Pilot, and then handle the Twitter posting through Zlappo.

    Sign Up for Zlappo via our affiliate link and get 60 days free access.

  7. 7. Repost Your New Content

    As we said before – you're going to want to set up automations to handle the reposting, retweeting, etc. of your content.

    You're not going to reach all your audience in one posting.

    Either set up retweet or repost automations, or reword your original content slightly and create another series of posts on the same topic. has a tool for this, Book an Intro Call and we'll be happy to show you through that.

Using the above content creation system it's not unusual to produce your month's worth of content in 1 week.

For example, we're using this exact system to produce 8+ blog posts and 4-6 weeks worth of social media content in a few hours each day for a week, in a niche industry, for Praesens Group. This content system is kicking goals for engagement, SEO, establishing thought leadership, and lead generation.

This is absolutely essential for niche founder led businesses to establish thought leadership in their sphere, without a huge time commitment.

If you want all this handled for you, then you might want to work with us.

Book an Intro Call Today ☎️