The Dark Side of Paid Media

People like SEM and PAID MEDIA for several reasons.

I'll tell you which reasons, and why they SHOULDN'T...

Google Ads, Paid Media.

It's very much a set and forget channel.

More so than native content.

What's wrong with that?

It causes overreliance on these channels.

Because native content **can be** hard, but not always..

The trouble with over reliance on paid media, SEM, Google Ads...

It comes at huge costs, low click through rates, and even lower conversion rates.


It's easy to measure, and you get a nice little dashboard with all your metrics pre-built in.

So you don't have to think too much.

You know things aren't going GREAT, but at least you know how they are going ..

Your content marketing, if you don't have an efficient and effective system, takes a lot more effort, it's constant day in day out.

Creative drain.

And it's not always as clean to measure the impact.

So you feel more informed investing in SEM and Paid Media.

And to be honest, it even feels a little easier, right?


Put simply, buyers aren't on social media to click ads.

They're on SM to engage with content, and be engaged with.

Your marketing team needs a mindset shift.

Like Ads, all too many people are just dropping a link to their latest blog post and hoping people click it.

Again, people aren't on SM to click on things that take them off platform. Not ads, not your blog post link

They're on SM to be engaged, entertained.

You need to rework your social media strategy with this in mind.

How to do better?

• Get creative with measurement
• Get comfortable with not having super clear CAC
(if the money is rolling in fast & you're making more money, it won't matter)

• Build an effective content creation system that reduces time to creative realisation, increases output, enables repurposing, and is native first (built for in platform consumption)

• Understand your buyers deeply, and speak to them in a way that communicates this. No ability is more powerful than relate-ability.

If you want to ramp up your content strategy in a way that brings in leads,

Get in touch..

We helped Co-Founders Hutton Andrew and Samuel Hershberger of Praesens Group ramp up an effective content pipeline that makes it look like this two Founder team has a 5 person dedicated marketing team, and we can do the same for you.