9 Opportunities Having A Blog Provides Your Services Business

9 Opportunities Having A Blog Provides Your Services Business

A blog and content marketing engine is absolutely necessary for any professional services based business.

It's not just words on a screen, but your most powerful revenue generating tool.

Here's why ⬇️

1. Demonstrate Your Knowledge

Publish blogs related to your area of practice, demonstrate your knowledge, and establish thought leadership.

If you want to turn your thinking into a valuable asset, then you need to communicate your ability to think, and leverage this thinking.

No recognition of value can happen without the communication of that value.

Your ideal clients are not going to wake up one day and value your thinking. You need to show them fist that you do have valuable thinking to contribute that sets you apart from the competition, and secondly why this is valuable for them (what do they get out of it).

Do it right, and potential clients will see your firm as a thought leader in that area.

By demonstrating your knowledge, prospects will inherently recognise your firm as an established authority, and in the end will be more likely to turn to your firm if they’re ever in need of services in your domain of expertise.

2. Build Relationships Not Just Clicks

Businesses are built on relationships.

Blogging is a great way for your firm to enter into already existing conversations online (take advantage of watering holes like Quora, Reddit, social media groups, etc.) or to start their own based on prospective clients’ pain points.

When internet searchers enter in a query they are hoping to find a solution.

Your blog needs to be front and centre when they have these questions, and the only way to do this is through paid advertising, or an effective content strategy.

The trouble with paid advertising is it needs something behind it, if you don't have the content engine to back it up, you're not going to establish thought leadership, and your prospects are not going to come back to you next time.

So you're stuck paying for more and more advertising, because you're not retaining the eyeballs that you are bringing in. There's nothing to back up your paid strategy and keep them coming back organically.

3. Drives Traffic to Your Website

As we said earlier there are basically two ways to bring in traffic to your site.

Paid Advertising, and Content Marketing.

Everyone wants more website visitors and blogging allows you to optimize content for search engines.

Whenever you publish a post, it becomes an indexed page on your website.

Which means you've established the opportunity for your page to now show up for key search terms. If you've done your SEO homework, research, and implementation, then you've given yourself the best chance to take advantage of the best organic traffic generation system there is.

4.Repurpose for Social Media

Part of any effective content marketing system necessarily involves social media.

If you're not taking advantage of these human watering holes, you're missing out.

Every single blog post can be parlayed into content for social media.

And I mean every post.

Now, we see many people don't actually do this well (just dropping a link to your blog is not enough)...

But, done well, it will be the most profitable engine for your business, and will add huge leverage to everything else you do.

If you need help revving up your content marketing engine, and repurposing for social media to get maximum ROI, then you might want to work with us.

5. Blogs Support Lead Generation

Every single blog post you write supports your lead generation efforts.

Blogs and content marketing are how you give your company SUBSTANCE.

Not only will your content drive traffic to your site, some of those naturally turning into leads.

Your content marketing will also serve to warm any leads that you bring in from cold email or paid sources.

As we said, content marketing is what gives your company substance.

Combined with the points we have mentioned above, about thought leadership, it should be clear to you now why you should invest in content marketing for your business.

BONUS… Once you have written enough, you will naturally be able to combine all this writing into lead magnets, and even paid info products. The ROI you can squeeze from your content marketing is only limited by your creativity.

6. Blogging Creates Customized Conversion Funnels

Once you've written enough content, your incoming prospects will be able to create their own bespoke conversion funnel based on their needs and what is most interesting and relevant to them.

Don't underestimate the power of this.

A large amount of blog content allows for almost infinite personalisation within your lead warming funnel.

Sure you will want to have less dynamic funnel systems set up, such as an email warming sequence upon newsletter signup.

But these more solidified funnel experiences will be well complimented by a large repository of blogs, case studies, and lead magnets that your prospects will be able to pick and choose from.

Your job in sales will just be to help them curate a selection of this content based on their needs.

Involve your sales team in the content creation process to ensure that you are achieving effective revenue generating harmony between the content you are creating and the kind of content that sales needs to convert.

7. Link Building

any experts consider these links to be one of the top factors for internet search engine optimization.

When you create high-quality articles, they are more likely to be linked to by other websites (this gets you valuable 3rd party backlinks), which signals to Google that your site is trustworthy (and popular).

This extra visibility builds domain authority, which will improve your overall visibility in search engines online.

You can even intentionally set out to build domain authority, by seeking out 3rd parties and offering to collaborate or feature content.

8. Evergreen

The effort you put in today will reap you rewards for years to come.

9. Monetize Your Blog

Affiliate products, ads, and more.

There are many ways you can monetize a popular blog.

If you need to rev up your content marketing engine, and generate more income, then you might want to work with us.

Click the link below to get in touch with our demand generation account executives, and get your content engine unstuck & generating you revenue.

